Conservative News Links 01-01-14

- Stop Making Fools Of Yourselves
'Most voters don’t care a fig about the costs of social programs, which they imagine will be paid out of someone else’s pocket. They want goodies and lots of them, especially for the “disadvantaged,” which, in their minds, include most of them.'
- Reducing income inequality not so easily dismissed
They don't mention it here, but actual income inequality is caused by the deflation of our currency because we insist on spending it on social entitlements and importing third world immigrants.
- The end of pretend
We have been pretending to be rich people while deferring our actual expenses to debt, meaning that we forever impoverish ourselves like ghetto dwellers buying their future at the check-cashing place.
- Why Obama frets about income inequality, not family breakdown
The cause of inequality is bad decision-making by individuals in a morally licentious society
- Inequality -- Crisis or Scam
Everyone's talking about inequality. It's how the left justifies itself: we should all be equal, some have more than others, thus let's take it.
- No Moore?
Is Moore's law dead? The bleeding edge has transferred to software, but not the stuff people are writing for the web. It's robotics, machine learning and swarm coordination.
- Are The Techno Riche Really Ruining San Francisco? Yes, Says Rebecca Solnit
We're paying idiots billions to use trivial technologies to make consumer products that are in the end probably not profitable.
- What Does Government Do When People Start Living Healthier? Tax That, Too, Obviously.
The Nanny State exists to serve itself, but to justify its expenditures with "your best interests." My best interests? All I wanted was a Pepsi.
- Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow
Direct populist reward-based systems produce an incentive to create the trivial but create a bias against any more complex-problem solving. Why we have Twitter and not deep space travel.
- Dumping irrationality as a national strategy
American "moral" ideology demands Israelis do what is against their interests, and the non-zombified ones (e.g. not liberals) are refusing to obey.
- The Crisis of the Middle Class and American Power
To pay for the liberal entitlement/immigration state, we've sacrificed the American middle class. Good going, new Emperor Nero!
- Top 10 Retractions of 2013
Science is an industry of special interests controlling what gets published, not an infallible source of truth. The chattering masses haven't figured this out yet.
- Nietzsche's Olympian Synthesis
Nietzsche as traditionalist metaphysician.
- New York Investigators Obtain Fraudulent Ballots 97 Percent of Time
It's easy to find fake ballots. This is why Democrats oppose voter ID: they like to be able to manufacture as many voters as they need.
Corruption threatens "soul and fabric" of U.S.: FBI
Older article, worth mentioning: while we like to think of ourselves as first world, the decay has caused enough collapse that corruption is everywhere, even in elections.
- The ‘Racism’ Wrecking Ball
When the left wants something, it accuses anyone standing in the way of being a racist or pedophile. They love this unbridled power.
- Deforestation
Forget global warming; it's a Soviet style Five Year Plan for wealth redistribution. Pay attention to the real problem, which is that for every person we add to this earth, we subtract forest that renews and cleans our environment.
- My Last Missive To Be Shared With You This Year
How Patrick Henry relates to contemporary African nationalism.
- Judge Dredd: Hero of the Anti-Civilization
When order fails, the only order can be restored through protecting the good and destroying the bad.
- Judge nixes Florida's welfare drug testing
Society continues rewarding lawbreakers and punishing those foolish enough to stay within the lines.
- SFI students struggle to speak with 'shy' Swedes
Putnam was right: diversity causes alienation wherever it is tried.
- Mass immigration is destroying our once great nation
People write these every year. They're a cliche. They're also right. All of them are; always have been. Diversity of any form doesn't work.
- Americans increasingly turn to God: poll
Government failed. Ideology failed. The economy failed. What's left?
- Letter from a cop.
"[T]he violence that I am seeing toward our white population is absolutely directly correlated to the influx of Chicago based gangs moving to our community."
- Redistribute wealth? No, redistribute respect.
Instead of shuffling money around again, restore respect for manual and unskilled labor so that people don't feel a manic need to put on airs.
- In pursuit of manly equality
"These people don't think in military ways, so there's this illusion out there that people are basically nice, people are basically kind, if we're just nice and benevolent to everyone they'll be nice too. They literally don't have any sense of evil or criminality."
- Keeping Your Doctor Under Obamacare Is No Easy Feat
Socialization drives real care underground: "[A]mong the providers who declined to accept the lower rates were some of the state’s most prestigious — and expensive — hospitals"
- Diversity prompts increased racial isolation
The more diverse our society gets, the more it self-segregates.
- Danes hug, love the Royal Family
83% of Danes support the royal family.
- Limited Government Solves Constitutional Violations
The reason to keep government small: limiting its powers limits its intrusion on your life.
- 2013’s lesson for conservatives
Insightful and hilarious analysis of progressive insanity.
- The Obamacare We Deserve
Obamacare was created to keep insurance happy by requiring all of us to subsidize everyone else. It's pork.
- Just because Colorado will let you smoke pot doesn’t mean your boss will
Bossess still don't want hazy people in the office. This means lots of potheads on welfare.
- A.I. Has Grown Up and Left Home
The failures of symbolic logic to model thinking show us its limitations. This is important, since so much of leftist is based on such "objective" abstractions.
- A Few Easy Tests to Debunk Global Warming Hysteria
Earth is a self-regulating system; sun activity determines temperature.
- Yes but, no but - the futility of argument
"The reason I prefer blogging over writing books and articles is that argument is futile."
- Difference a father makes
Fatherless homes produce broken teens.
- Why “Global Warming” Politics Always Fails (Hint: Reality)
"Global Warming is really about wealth transfer, not weather."
- We are… Generation Identity, by Generation Identity
Book review of a new compilation from a rising star of Identitarian politics.
"Actionists, beatniks, hippies, and serial killers were all pure libertarians who advanced the rights of the individual against social norms and against what they believed to be the hypocrisy of morality, sentiment, justice, and pity. Having exhausted the possibilities of sexual pleasure, it was reasonable that individuals should turn their attention to the wider pleasure of cruelty." - Michel Houellebecq
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